
Gratitude Day #23

Today I am grateful for lyrics from Dave Matthews, damn that man can write!

From one of my favorite songs, One Sweet World:

"Nine planets surround the sun,
Only one does the sun embrace.
Upon this watered one,
So much we take for granted.
So let us sleep outside tonight,
Lay down in our mother's arms,
For here we can rest safely."


Gratitude Day #22

Today I am grateful for delicious, homemade granola.  My sister helped in perfecting the recipe, and it has been so fulfilling to bake it, bag it up, and distribute it to my wonderful friends and family!


Gratitude Day #21

Today I am grateful for my Grandma June, who always shares great wisdom and quotes like this one: "When you come to the edge of all the light you have, and must take a step into the darkness of the unknown, believe that one of two things will happen to you.....either there will be something solid for you to stand on.....or, you will be taught how to fly."        -Patrick Overton


This is the menu in the cafeteria at the middle school where I work.  It makes me want to cry.  What are we teaching our children?  Is this the way to teach about good choices and healthy lifestyles?  I'm afraid we are setting them up to fail.


An old Chinese Proverb, spoken by the Buddha, Steve Jobs, and many others....."The journey is the reward."  ...how refreshing!


Gratitude Day #20

Today I am grateful for the sun, providing my friends and me with light and warmth while we play in the park...It's November in San Francisco and the weather is beautiful :)


Gratitude Day #19

Today I am grateful for Lindsay and Noah Kovner....and their new son, coming in 4 months!


Gratitude Day #18

I am grateful for the teamwork displayed tonight during our Thanksgiving dinner.  Everything was delicious!


Gratitude Day #17

Today I am grateful for my ukulele.  It's a beautiful instrument that helps me to be creative and in the moment.


As Thanksgiving day approaches, I'm reminded of the doctors and nurses at Stanford Hospital who cared for me five years ago.  Their professionalism, love, and desire to perfect their craft kept me alive and thriving.  I'm also reminded of my girlfriend Erin, whose bravery and unyielding commitment to our relationship was one of the most incredible things I've ever witnessed.

When my sister's stem cells were injected into my system on Thanksgiving day of 2006, it changed me forever.  It was such a pivotal point in my life, it's hard to explain.  I know my family was also changed, and they learned a lot about themselves throughout this unfathomable challenge.  They almost lost me, and I almost lost them.  But they didn't.....and I didn't.  Why am I still here?  Why do I get to still breathe fresh air when I step outside, eat three meals per day, smile, laugh, and cry?  Others haven't been so lucky in dealing with the horrible disease of cancer.  Maybe I'm not supposed to know why I survived until later in life.

Tomorrow I will most likely be drinking wine and eating an enormous amount of food, subsequently slipping into a nice, cozy, food coma.....so just in case I forget to tell everyone.....Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Thank you to everyone who loves me and supports me.....you know who you are :)


Gratitude Day #16

I'm grateful for my roommates who help create a warm and respectful environment where I live.  We have a great place in the city, and we all keep it very clean and cozy.


Gratitude Day #15

Today I am grateful for my friend Josh Nadler, he has been a tremendous asset for my business.  Thanks Josh!


Gratitude Day #14

Sometimes I'm reminded how lucky I am...today is one of those days.  There are so many people in this world that don't have food and fresh water, and go to bed hungry.  Tonight when I got hungry for dinner I simply went to the store, bought some pasta and German sausages, and prepared them in my kitchen.  So today I am grateful for the opportunities I have and for the food that I consumed.


Gratitude Day #12

Today I am grateful for my cousin and brother, Erick Wilkinson.  Today is his birthday and he is one of those special people I think about regularly, and always attempt to emulate.  If only the world could see his generosity, love, and willingness to put others before himself.


Gratitude Day #11

Today I am grateful for the Coaching Alliance!  We had a great meeting last night where some very helpful tools were introduced as a way to start group conversations.  Thanks again to everyone who attended.


Gratitude Day #10

I am grateful for the relationships I have with those closest to me (you know who you are).  Whether it's during easy times or challenging ones, I always learn something about myself and I appreciate you all so much for being yourselves and holding a space for our relationship.


Gratitude Day #9

It's mid-November and the sun is shining!  I'm so grateful to live in a wonderful part of the world with a moderate climate


Gratitude Day #8

Today I am grateful for my future success in coaching, and for the success I already have.  Thanks to all the other coaches who support me unconditionally.....



We've now crafted a society where we tell children in school: "Don't bully" or "Don't cyber-bully."  But if you look around our culture, the adults in power are not practicing what they preach.  The news world and celebrity world slander each other constantly.  They point out flaws in politicians and actors, and are quick to judge others and say hurtful things.  How about we stop and take a look in the mirror.....

Gratitude Day #7

Today I am grateful for my heart which pumps blood through my veins, and my lungs which distribute oxygen throughout my body.  I'm still here, world....and I'm not planning on giving up any time soon!


Gratitude Day #5

I am so grateful for my cousins Heather and Chris Klaftenegger, and all the other military families who commit their lives to giving.  I'm also grateful for Heather's baby boy!  He was born this morning on 11/11/11....Wow, what a day!!!  Baby still to be named...


Gratitude Day #4

I'm grateful for my coaching session today with Beth Brotz.  She took me through a meditation exercise, which really helped focus my energy and be mindful of the NOW.  I came out of the meditation with a clear intention: I AM SUCCESSFUL!  I PERSONIFY JOY AND LOVE!   .....thanks Beth :)


Gratitude Day #3

Today I am so grateful for my cousin, Heather.  She has always been an inspiration to me and a guiding light I can always count on.  We have shared many years of laughter and tears together, and soon we will be sharing in the joy of her new baby!


Gratitude Day #3

I'm grateful for all the middle school students at work, and all of their smiling faces!


Gratitude Day #2

Wow, it's almost midnight and I forgot to put my gratitude for the day.....

I'm grateful for Ellen Ercolini's facebook posting, because it reminded me to do my blog. :)


Gratitude Day #1

Today I'm starting my 30 Days of Gratitude, thank you Marla Skibbins for the inspiration!  And THANK YOU for everyone I met this weekend in San Rafael, you are all truly amazing agents of change and positive action.  Co-Activity is indeed, a movement.....

Day #1
I'm grateful for everyone at CTI who helped in creating the new Co-Active® Model.  It has truly become a part of who I am.


"Gravedigger, when you dig my grave, could you make it shallow....so that I can feel the rain?"


I'm thrilled to be spending the next three days at CTI Headquarters in San Rafael.  I get to be with my people...my tribe...the ones who see me for who I really am, and the ones who challenge me to be my best self.  Who is YOUR tribe?